The Classical Guitar Society of WA began it’s Training Orchestra program in April, 2023. Convenor and Director for the rehearsals and workshops is teacher and former WAAPA lecturer Peter Altmeier-Mort.

Its purpose is multi-functional:

(1) to prepare and train potential players who may wish to join the main WAGO Orchestra.

(2) to provide a forum for keen amateur players (beginner to intermediate level) to develop the reading and technical skills necessary in ensemble playing.

(3) to provide occasions for public performance with the whole group,

(3) and provide the opportunity to meet, play, and socialise with other guitar players!

The activities are held on the last Saturday of each month, and are open to any public – attendees are welcome to participate as a player or observer at any time.
Cost is $5 per person for each rehearsal, and refreshments are provided.

The last Saturday of each calendar month – 2pm to 4pm.

The IMSS centre (WA Ed. Dept. Instrumental Music School Services) 150 Guildford Road, Maylands 6051. Entry is via Peninsula Rd and Sixth Ave – plenty of parking on the premises.

Expressions of interest to attend are not necessary, but please send any enquiries or questions to Peter at