Rebekah Gibbons
Each month we profile a musician from our Guitar Society Orchestra. This month we feature local guitarist, Rebekah Gibbons. Let's find out a little more about Bek.
How long have you been playing the guitar and when did you join the orchestra?
I have been playing the guitar for 13 years and I joined the orchestra 9 years ago and have loved every year of it.
What have been your biggest achievements so far?
My biggest achievement so far has been making it into my final year of physiotherapy with honours. Other achievements that rate highly are cracking the 10 year mark of playing the guitar and getting engaged to my fabulous fiance Mathew.
What is your favourite piece of music?
That's a tough question because I've got so many favourite pieces. If I had to choose just one, it'd have to be Sevilla by Isaac Albeniz. I've always loved Spanish pieces and with a slightly different tuning this one is really fun to play.
What kind of guitar do you play?
I currently play a Rovis-Hermann, which I've had for many years now. I really enjoy the bight, Spanish sound of the guitar. I am also waiting for my new Sheridan to be finished.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
As anyone who studies physio would say, we don't often have spare time. But, when I do get holidays I enjoy watching tv, yoga, the beach, reading and of course spending time with my friends and Mathew.