WAAPA Guitar Forum 2024 on “Women of the Guitar”

Event details

  • June 22, 2024
  • 2:00 pm
  • Richard Gill Auditorium, WAAPA (2 Bradford St Mt Lawley)

WAAPA Guitar Forum 2024 on “Women of the Guitar”

WAAPA’s 2024 Guitar Forum is an exploration and showcase of “Women of the Guitar”, both historically and in the modern day. Women have been significant contributions to the history of the instrument, but their role has often been overlooked.  This event aims to address this imbalance, providing insight on important women of the guitar.  It includes presentations by invited experts including A/Prof Jonathan Paget (WAAPA), A/Prof Ken Murray (Melb Con), A/Prof Gillian Dooley (Flinders), Craig Lake (WAAPA), Abbey Felton, Ingrid Riollot, and Jane Darcey.

The concert will present a delightful selection of guitar works by women composers, ancient and modern, performed by renowned local artists, including Jonathan Paget, Ingrid Riollot, Abbey Felton, Jane Darcey, Craig Lake, the Silver Sands Guitar Quartet, and the Guitar Society Orchestra (conducted by Jane Darcey).