Guitar Society Orchestra in Concert

Event details

  • July 28, 2019
  • 2:00 pm
  • St David’s Church Hall Cnr Simpson & Bombard Streets, Ardross WA 6153

Join us for an afternoon of beautiful classical music presented by the Classical Guitar Society of Western Australia Orchestra. During intermission sumptuous complementary afternoon tea will also be served. This is a major fundraising event for OMEP WA Inc (Organisation Mondiale pour l’Education Prescolaire). The OMEP organisation, which consults with the United Nations, works to promote high quality care and education of young children 0-8 years of age throughout the world and particularly to assist young children suffering severe disadvantage. The funds from this event will be used to help sustain Crispins Kindergarten and Elementary School in Papua New Guinea, as well as providing formal teacher training for a voluntary teacher at the school.

Tickets: $5 at the door

Click here to download the event flyer.