Classical Guitar Forum 02

Event details

  • Thursday | August 10, 2023
  • 7:00 pm
  • Makuru Winter - Learning Centre, City of Vincent Community Centre, 99 Loftus St, Leederville

Classical Guitar Performers Meeting

7.00pm Thursday, August 10, 2023

***change of venue***

 Unfortunately there has been a change of venue for the Guitar Performers Meeting on Thursday  10th August  7.00pm due to ongoing building works at the Lesser Hall.

 It will now be at the City of Vincent’s Community Centre, 99 Loftus Street, Leederville. It is next to the Library and the Rec Centre which is only 1.5km from the previous venue. The room itself is the Makuru Winter – Learning Centre.

 Please click on the link if you require any additional information and one of the organisers will be in touch with you.

For adult players; see: Classical Guitar Forums – Classical Guitar Society of WA (