Ryan O’Keefe
Each month we profile a musician from our Guitar Society Orchestra. This month we feature local guitarist, Ryan O'Keefe. Let's find out a little more about Ryan.
How long have you been playing the guitar and when did you join the orchestra?
I've been playing guitar for almost 9 years now. I started at the beginning of 2005 at my primary school and have loved it ever since. I've been with the orchestra for about 6 years now, after joining sometime in 2008.
What have been your biggest achievements so far?
I guess just being with the orchestra is an achievement in itself. It allows me to play at venues I'd never get the chance to on my own and it allows me to connect with a great community of local guitarists.
What is your favourite piece of music?
My favorite piece of music changes from time to time but at the moment I'd have to say it's "30 Minutes in London" by Antoine Dufour. I enjoy the percussive style that he and other artists have created.
What kind of guitar do you play?
While I've been in the orchestra I've played on my Esteve guitar.
What do you do for a living?
At the moment I'm in my first year of studying Engineering at Curtin University of Technology.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Spare time? What's that? Haha being a student Engineer I don't get much free time to myself. When I do I usually spend it playing guitar. Finding new songs and just messing around is a great way to de-stress after a hard day of study.