Kylie Bishop
Each month we profile a musician from our Guitar Society Orchestra. This month we feature local guitarist, Kylie Bishop. Let's find out a little more about Kylie.
Hi my name is Kylie Bishop.
I have been playing the guitar since I started learning in the SIM programme at the age of 9 with John Casey. It was the only instrument that my school offered, other than violin, and I guess I was lucky to be selected. Unfortunately, I had other ideas, and told my Mum that I wanted to learn the piano. She said that we didn't have a piano and that I either took up the guitar or it was NOTHING!!
Not a very bright start, but I had the incredible good fortune to have John Casey as my teacher. He went on to teach me right through Primary School, High School and then through University, where I completed a Bachelor of Music Education. I was also lucky to be invited to play in the Combined Schools Guitar Ensemble (later to become Guitarstrophe!) I continued to play in this orchestra for 17 years, well after I finished both school and University. It became a way of life for me and John was like a father figure.
I play a Simon Marty guitar which I picked up on one of tours to Sydney. It's pretty old these days, but still has a nice sound.
My biggest achievement so far, musically speaking, was winning first prize in the International Guitar Competition in Sydney when I was only 13. That set me off on a path to the career I now have. Other than that, my children have been a huge achievement, but ironically they are the things that have drawn me away from playing!!! I have just started to play again this year after a very long hiatus and it's nice to be back an orchestra again. My favourite pieces are ones which I cannot yet play Tango En Skai and Kuyanbaba. I wonder if I will ever get my technique up to scratch to master them?
In my spare time I read, swim, drink wine and go down to our shack in Denmark.